Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trailer Park - NYC

Okay...well this place is just special. Where shall I begin? As tacky as it is on the outside you really cannot quite be prepared for the abundance of cheesiness that is inside. There is an old mobile trailer camped indoors with a mannequin's head peering out the window. (That's actually kind of creepy looking to me.) The entire joint is jam-packed with retro memorabilia, signs, furniture, etc. Above the bar is another mannequin that is in the late stages of pregnancy. She is sitting in a 50's era blow-dry chair with curlers in her hair and a beer in her hand and a cigarette in her mouth. So this is just tapping into the atmosphere...onto the food.

Four of us went to Trailer Park for lunch. Now certainly the expectations were not very high given the name and I was not at all surprised to see Chili Mac and Sloppy Joe's on the menu which were in fact the two dishes that my husband and I ordered. They came out in plastic red baskets with plastic ware. (My Chili Mac was in a Styrofoam bowl and then nestled into the basket.) I probably got about two bites into my dish before I pushed it away. I don't know how one could really screw up Chili Mac. I mean its macaroni mixed in with chili and cheese on top, right? I don't think I know anyone that cannot conjure up a quasi-decent pot of chili if they put their mind to it. This chili would have been better if it had come from a can. To describe the taste I can only say that it was like what I imagine sweaty gym socks might taste like. Of the four of us, not one of us managed to come close to finishing the food and we each had different dishes.

So, here's what I think. If you like a kitschy atmosphere wait until the evening to go here and make sure that you've had dinner elsewhere. Get some drinks at the bar, listen to some pretty good tunes, and marvel at the amount of cheese that is packed into one place. You'll likely have a good time. Just don't eat there. By the way for four very bad lunches and a few cocktails the tab came to over $100!!! But hey, it is New York. :)

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