Monday, April 26, 2010

Roberto's - Sunshine, LA (near Baton Rouge)

Jim and I just got back from a trip to New Orleans and Baton Rouge where we had some really great food and some of the most terrible food I've had. I am going to start with the postive. Roberto's was great! The outside looks like a dilapidated farmhouse and the interior is only slightly better. Even so the restaurant manages to have a rustic charm to it and doesn't take way from the dining experience. If you want to go here, look the place up on their website first. It is deffinitely off the beaten path. (
We ordered several different things and they were all really delicious. Jim had catfish, lightly fried and topped with a cream sauce swimming in mushrooms and shrimp. As if that were not enough on the plate alone (since the portion was generous) it was accompanied by a side salad, a slice of Italian bread, fried okra and mashed potatoes. Now, here in GA when we fry okra we bread it and deep-fry in oil. Roberto's fried okra was rather different. It was not breaded and seemed as if it were sauteed in white wine. Still, it was very good. The salad wasn't anything to write home about but it wasn't bad either.
I had the soup of the day which was a wonderful crawfish and corn chowder. Honestly, I have never had a chowder with so much meat in it. There was actually more crawfish than there was corn! I ate this with Jim's salad since green things scare him.
Last but not least one of Jim's favorite desserts is bread pudding. It was highly recommended so we got some to go. It was a perfect bread pudding. The bread was just the right amount moist and packed with all of the right flavors. As equally important the sauce atop it did not disappoint. It was a heavy-handed rum sauce rich in butter and very palatable.
So we had an entree, a salad, a soup, and a dessert and Roberto's went four for four. Everything was so spot-on. We highly recommend eating here if you are anywhere in the Baton Rouge vicinity.

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