Monday, April 26, 2010

Mulate's - French Quarter

Ugh! Yet another waste of time that resulted in leaving to go eat elsewhere. We had been here once before. I cannot recall what I had so it wasn't memorable in a good or bad way. This last visit will ensure that we don't return.
The atmosphere is fine and so is the service - no complaints there.
We ordered dinner. Jim asked for the rib-eye and wanted to have the Crab Au Gratin. It came out in a timely manner and once again i only took one bite. Here's the thing. If you are charging 24.99 for each of these dishes it should be good. Jim's steak was tough and marbled to the point it was difficult to cut and chew. More importantly, it wasn't even a ribeye steak, it was a NY strip. One server insisted that it was a rib-eye and didn't want to take it back to the kitchen. When our server made it back to our table she commented instantly that it was a strip. My Au Gratin looked and tasted as if it had been over-cooked and then left to sit out for 20 minutes. You know how cheese gets tough and chewy when it is over-baked? That's what I am talking about! I simply won't pay $50 for a mediocre dinner for two.
Sometimes I wonder if I am just spolied by Atlanta restaurants. I can name a lsit as long as my arm (probably longer given enough time) of restaurants here where you can get a really great entree for $25. But then...I find a little gem like Roberto's and I feel a glimmer of hope.

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