Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Tulsa Penguins

All around Tulsa from downtown and into the suburbs there are random 6' tall penguin statues. They were created by local artists and then sold, primarily to business owners it seems, as a way to raise funds to bring African penguins to the Tulsa Zoo.

Okay, I have tried to find a list of where all of the penguins are in Tulsa. Despite a pretty thorough search on the Internet I came up empty-handed. So, although this has nothing to do with my restaurant reviews. I just want to add this to my blog because I have read that other people are interested in the penguin locations well. Below are some that I have found. If you are looking for them or would like to help me compose a list, hit me up on here. :)

This is "Stella the Stewardess"

Success Express
Penguin on 71st St.

"Hildegaard the Happy Camper"

            "Miss Pretty Posh Penguin"

"A Coat of a Different Color"

"Two-Faced Penguin"


  1. I've totally into your penguin mission. I've researched the internet as well and come up just as emtpy. I've now resorted to looking at others pictures and narrowing down the locations with quite a bit of success. I've got about 25 so far. My sis and I are planning on going "penguin hunting" soon. I'll be glad to share the results with you when we return. Do you happen to remember the locations of the pics on your blog? lexeck05@aol.com

  2. Alexis, did you get my e-mail?

    1. Jen, do you still have your list? My littles just started hunting... :) If you do, I'd love to look at it - volliegirl@juno.com. Thank you!

  3. Boo....no I didn't. Would you resend? The email address above is correct. Don't know why I didn't get it.

  4. BTW my list has grown to just over a hundred with about 70 of them actually located :)

  5. i have only located about 20 me and my fiancee have been trying to find them and get pictures withthem all i would greatly appreciate any help :) you can e-mail me @ rust.michael@yahoo.com

  6. I'm also on a penguin hunt. I've located about 21 so far and would like to find more. I could help your list and trade penguin locations.

    My email is

  7. Let's collaborate! I'm a recent import for OC, CA and am on the Penguin Hunt as well!

    I've (just) started a blog http://tulsapenguinsonparade.blogspot.com/ for this very purpose: To find and shoot those penguins! (With a camera, of course!)

    More importantly, I would love for other newbies like me to actually find that elusive list of where the birds are hiding. (Personally, I think it's a conspiracy! We'll know it is if the http://tulsapenguinsonparade.blogspot.com/ is hacked or removed!)

    Please post on my blog a location of a penguin and include the address and sponsor. If you have a link to a picture, please include that as well. I promise to give you credit for your find.

    Julie - Who was never that into penguins before I moved to Tulsa!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Jen, thank you for your posting of the penguins. I have just started on this penguin hunt. And when I have exhausted all means and when I am out of Tulsa, I am going to blog them and share them with the world. Thanks.

  10. Hello Jen, can you remember where Miss Pretty Posh is located? If not, would anyone else reading this knows. Thanks.
